Do you like colouring books? Are you getting a little bored and running out of things to do at home? Well, I have created some digital colouring pages that you can colour with code. There is a lot going on in the world right now so I wanted to share something lighthearted and fun. Something everyone can take part in and share with their friends and family online.

The concept came to me last year while trying to think up a task to explain CSS (I created a Halloween themed colouring page). Since it’s a pretty easy syntax anyone should be able to use these colouring pages to create some cool art. I thought springtime would be a good theme to try out this time and hopefully, that will result in some very colourful illustrations.

So here are 2 colouring pages for you to try for yourself:

If you want to try it out, sign up for an account at and click ‘fork’ in the bottom right of the pen to save a copy to your account. Then you can make any changes you like, save the results and share it online. For those who are new to CSS, just change the fill and stroke values to whatever colour you like (you can find many sources online for colour hex codes) and for those a little more advanced I challenge you to add some animations and cool effects.

If you do have a go, share it on Twitter / Instagram with the hashtag #ColorWithCSS so we can see all the different creations out there.

Credit for the original illustrations: hello spring lettering , cactus illustration